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fAfB fCfD fEfF fGfH fIfJ fKfL fMfN fOfP fQfR fSfT fUfV fWfX fYfZ

Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
VINIM furniture 20
W WEST LIFE furniture 20
WD woodecor furniture 20, 42
XQUISITE furniture +arcs 20
ZED furniture 20
ZINGARO +furniture 19
ZUARI furniture +oval 20
ZUARL furniture 20
furniture 35
c CONCEPT furniture +oval 20
corporate furniture +square 20
fa furniture arts 20
home style furniture +squar 20
khursiwala steel furniture 35
om furniture +oval & star 20
perfect moulded furniture 35
pfh POONAM'S furniture +man 20
pfh POONAM'S furniture hous 20
q furniture & accessories 6, 16, 20
r RAJ & RAJ (furniture) 20
synthetic bonded +furniture 19
AAKAR furnitures +hut 20
ALLWIN furnitures 20
BISMI furnitures +tree 20
DEEPAK furnitures 20
GRAHSHOBHA furnitures 20
KALAI wooden furnitures 20
MALEKA furnitures 20
MILAN furnitures 20
MODI furnitures unlimited 20
RAJHANS furnitures 20
REGENT designer furnitures 20
SAMAY MILANO furnitures 20
TSEB furnitures +squares 20
VASANTH & CO furnitures 35
WELL WORTH furnitures 20
FF furniturewalla 20
frank furt VIMAL CREATIONS 24
M&M look no further 3, 14, 16, 18, 25
THE fuschia TREE +flowers 16, 20, 42
ASIAN fuse unit 9, 11
BEL fuse 9
GOLD kit-kat fuse 9
KALASH kit kat fuse +woman 9
KLASSIC fuse 9
POWER fuse +hand & oval 9
S JAIN kit kat fuse +woman 9
SUNDHA kit kat fuse +goddes 9
deepak kitkat fuse 9
in.fuse 25, 28
ANAND fuses 7
PRAGATI fuses +drops square 9
unique cartridge fuses 9
fusion power 9
fusion power +face 9
BAJAJ-fusion 12
BIBA fashion fusion 12, 30
BIBA fasion fusion 16
FE fusion 9
NOVA FOUNT fusion 1
RAKA fusion 9
REYNOLDS fusion 16
r RAKA industries fusion 9
COLORBAR no fuss beauty 8
future brand +circles arrow 35, 42
future brand f +circles 16
future capital holdings ltd 16, 35, 42
future is open LYNUS ACADEM 41
future organic TUSK bond 1
future organic TUSK bond ec 1
future point +swastika 16
future reliable +plant 36
ALLNET attacking the future 16
ARCHIE the future 21
BCM LET'S make future brigh 35
BGF bright gold future 7
BLUE BRAIN future is callin 9
FI future intent +square 41
FLEXI-future 36
FPL academy future perfect 41
FT future tech +circle 9
FW future world publication 16
GJ future FASHIONS LTD. 25
GOPAL future infinite +star 35
GREENWAYS future lifestyle 37
HALDIA shape your future 1
IB builds your future 16
IB builds your future +oval 16
IREALITIES digital future 9
ISCON building the future 35, 36, 37, 38, 41, 42
future 19
LAVASA future cities +birds 35, 36, 37, 41
LEADING THE future 25, 36
LIC'S child future plan 36
future 19
future 9
MEN'S PARC future designers 24
MIRACRON future fibre 23
future 42
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